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Oxathres (alternative form of name Oxendras ) was a member of the Persian Achaemenid dynasty in the 4th century BC. He was a younger son of the Great King Darius II and the Parysatis .

According to Ktesias, of the thirteen children of Darius II and the Parysatis, only four sons had reached adulthood; these were Artaxerxes II , Cyrus , Artostes and Oxendras. That Artostes must have been identical with the Ostanes mentioned by Diodor and Plutarch and Oxendras with the Oxathres mentioned by Plutarch.

Curtius Rufus reports when in 333 BC In Damascus the Persian king's harem came into the power of Alexander the great after the battle of Issus , a widow of Artaxerxes III was among several distinguished women. found that a "daughter of Oxathris, brother of Dareios III. " has been. The brother of Darius III. but was Oxyathres and they were both second nephews of Artaxerxes III, which is why a daughter of Oxyathres must have been his great niece. Artaxerxes III. was before 400 BC Were born while Darius III. around 380 BC Was born in BC. The still younger Oxyathres might not be until 360 BC. Have reached marriageable age, while a daughter of him can only have reached this as Artaxerxes III. was in his sixtieth year. In spite of such an age difference, a connection is not unthinkable for the time, but historical studies consider a mistake of Curtius Rufus to be more plausible, because the father-in-law of Artaxerxes III. with the brother of Dareios III. confused, but instead said Oxathres, son of Darius II, who had given his nephew a daughter to wife.

As Artaxerxes III. in 358 BC After he had taken over the rule, he had a large number of his relatives murdered, including an uncle. In the event that Oxathres was actually the father-in-law of his nephew, this should probably have saved his life and Ostanes should have been meant by the murdered uncle , since her third brother Cyrus († 401 BC) at that time was long dead.


  • Otto Neuhaus: The father of the Sisygambis and the relationship of Darius III Kodomannos to Artaxerxes II and III. In: Rheinisches Museum für Philologie , Vol. 57. (1902), pp. 610–623.


  1. Ktesias von Knidos : Persika , in: The Fragments of the Greek Historians No. 688, Frag. 15, 51 [based on the edition by Dominique Lenfant ].
  2. Diodorus 17: 5, 5; Plutarch , Artoxerxes. 1, 1. See Neuhaus, pp. 617–618.
  3. ^ Curtius Rufus 3, 13, 13.
  4. The mother of Artaxerxes III. was 400 BC Murdered and Dareios was at his death 330 BC. Fifty years old. Arrian , Anabasis. 3, 21.
  5. See Neuhaus, pp. 619–620.