Pablo Carlevaro

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Pablo Virgilio Carlevaro Bottero , also Pablo V. Carlevaro , (born December 25, 1927 in Montevideo , Uruguay ; † October 31, 2015 ibid) was a Uruguayan physician and author.

Pablo Carlevaro was involved in the Federación de Estudiantes Universitarios del Uruguay (FEUU). In 1958 he became a professor of biophysics and medicine and was elected dean of the medical faculty of the Universidad de la República (UdelaR) in 1969. He held this office until 1973 and again from 1985 to 1992. During the civil-military dictatorship in Uruguay, he was in exile for twelve years. After working in Peru, Cuba and Mexico, he did not return to Uruguay until the end of the authoritarian regime and worked at the Universidad de la República until his retirement in 1993. He was the founder of the Proyecto Apex-Cerro .

He played a key role in building the Universidad de la República and was awarded an honorary doctorate from the UdelaR in 2014.

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Individual evidence

  1. Entry , accessed on November 16, 2015 (es)
  2. Pablo Carlevaro (1927-2015): referente de la Universidad Latinoamericana, por Agustín Cano , La Columna Uruguaya, accessed on November 9, 2015 (es)
  3. fallenció el exdecano de Medicina, Pablo Carlevaro (Spanish) on from October 31, 2015, accessed on November 16, 2015
  4. Pablo Carlevaro: doctor honoris causa de la UDELAR , Fundación Vivian Trías, accessed on June 10, 2014 (es)