Pablo Castellanos León

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Pablo Castellanos León (* 1860 in Mérida ; † 1929 in Paris ) was a Mexican pianist and music teacher.

The student of José Jacinto Cuevas came to Mexico City in 1880 , where he studied at the Conservatory under Melesio Morales . In 1885 he went to Paris and became a student of Antoine François Marmontel at the Conservatoire de Paris . In 1885 he returned to Mexico with the flautist Juan Hernández Acevedo , whom he had met in Paris.

Here he founded the Grupo de los Seis with Gustavo E. Campa and Ricardo Castro Herrera , Juan Hernández Acevedo , Carlos Meneses and Ignacio Quezadas , which was devoted to German and French music in opposition to the Italian music tradition that was mainly embodied by Melisio Morales, and was one of the founding members of the Instituto Musical Campa-Hernández Acevedo in 1887 .

In 1888 he published the work Arte de tocar el piano según las leyes naturales . During this time he lost the use of his left hand in an accident and from then on devoted himself more to teaching. His most famous students were Ricardo Río Díaz and José Rubio Milán .