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PackSynergy AG

legal form AG
founding 1998
Seat Ravensburg , Germany
management Thomas A. Baur (CEO)
Branch Packaging , wholesale and foreign trade, logistics ,

The PackSynergy AG is the largest global composite of small and medium European packaging wholesaler and logistics experts. There are currently 18 companies with over 35 locations from Denmark, Germany, Finland, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Croatia, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and the Czech Republic. Members of the association. The headquarters of the stock corporation is in Ravensburg.


As an association, PackSynergy currently represents the interests of 18 small and medium-sized companies from the packaging wholesale industry from 14 countries, which are market leaders in their respective regions and whose annual sales volume is between 2 million and 50 million euros. The group's total turnover in 2019 was around EUR 350 million.

The cooperating member companies act as a purchasing community and are thus competitive on the market in terms of price policy. PackSynergy actively contributes to increasing sales of partner companies through the development of own brands and sales promotion in the form of cooperatively created advertising materials. It also organizes the education and training of employees as well as advice and advanced training for managers.

Origin and history

In 1998, four medium-sized packaging wholesalers founded PackSynergy GmbH based in Augsburg . Their goal was to establish a marketing and purchasing association for European packaging wholesalers.

After a unanimous shareholder resolution, PackSynergy GmbH was converted into a stock corporation in 2009. Since then, the cooperation has been expanded annually to include new member companies.

In 2008, PackSynergy launched the adhesive tape “TigerTape” as its first own product under its own brand “Tiger”. In 2009 the own brand "TigerStretch" was launched. The “TigerBox” product was launched in 2010.

Organization and corporate structure

The cooperation today has a total storage area of ​​around 114,000 square meters with more than 135,000 high-bay pallet spaces at over 30 locations. More than 600 employees with around 60 delivery vehicles organize distribution, sales and logistics.


PackSynergy is a member of the Zentralverband Gewerblicher Verbundgruppen e. V. (ZGV) .

Individual evidence

  2. Map of PackSynergy-composite , September 2018
  3. PackSynergy launches first own brand ,, September 2008

Web links

Internet presence of the cooperation