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Pajok ( Russian Сухой паёк , actually suchoi pajok, dry food) is the Russian name for food ration or food on the march.

Contemporary history

This term received a historical meaning through an order of the Soviet military administration in Germany , according to which certain sections of the population in the Soviet occupation zone were provided with aid packages with potatoes, meat and sugar after the end of the Second World War . The cause was the persistent shortage of food and other everyday goods in the Soviet Zone.

This food aid was only used for a specific group of actors, professors, engineers and specialists. During the Cold War , this support was seen as an attempt to prevent economically important groups of people from fleeing the Soviet Zone.

In contrast to the Pajok deliveries, the CARE packages in the west were mainly donated by private donors and distributed without a central requirement of the recipient.

Individual evidence

  1. Pajoks and Points . In: Die Zeit , No. 9/1949