Palpares libelluloides

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Palpares libelluloides

Palpares libelluloides

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Reticulated winged (Neuroptera)
Family : Ant dams (Myrmeleontidae)
Subfamily : Palparinae
Genre : Palpares
Type : Palpares libelluloides
Scientific name
Palpares libelluloides
( Linnaeus , 1764)

Palpares libelluloides is a lacewings from the family of antlion (Myrmeleontidae).


The animals reach a relatively large fore wing length of 50 to 60 millimeters and are therefore not to be confused with any other kind of ant damsel in Europe. The very broad wings are variably spotted with dark brown. The males can be recognized by their long, fine genital appendages.


The species is widespread in the Mediterranean . It inhabits fallow land, maquis and rocky slopes from the lowlands up to around 1000 meters above sea level.

Way of life

The daytime and crepuscular adults can be observed from May to September. Their flight is usually short and close to the ground. The larvae do not build a trap. They live in the root detritus of shrubs and low vegetation.


  • Ekkehard Wachmann, Christoph Saure: Netzflügler, Mud and Camel Neck Flies , Naturbuch-Verlag, Augsburg 1997, ISBN 3-89440-222-9