Pandion (son of Phineus)

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Pandion ( ancient Greek Πανδίων ) is the son of Phineus and Cleopatra and brother of Plexippos in Greek mythology .

In the library of Apollodorus , Pandion and Plexippus are slandered by their stepmother Idaia for wanting to seduce them. Phineus believes this and then blinds his sons. He is punished by the Argonauts driving past with Boreas , Cleopatra's father .

In other traditions of the saga, different names of the brothers are given; so they are also called Terymbas and Aspondos , Oreithyios and Krambos ( Krambis ), Parthenios and Krambis or Polymedes and Klytios . Because of the large number of different names of the Phineus sons, it is assumed that the name Pandion is the name given to an Attic playwright who treated the Phineus material.



  1. ^ Libraries of Apollodorus 3, 200.
  2. Scholien zu Sophocles, Antigone 971 and 981.
  3. Scholien zu Apollonios von Rhodes 2, 140 and 2, 178.
  4. Anthologia Palatina 3, 4.
  5. See Rudolf Hanslik: Pandion 4. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswwissenschaft (RE). Volume XVIII, 3, Stuttgart 1949, column 517.