Panos Karnezis

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Panos Karnezis (* 1967 ) is a Greek-born writer .


He moved to England in 1992 and studied engineering there. After some time in industry, he received his Masters in Creative Writing from the University of East Anglia .

Panos Karnezis currently lives in London.


  • Little Meanness (Stories) (2002)
  • The Maze (novel) (2004)

The maze is about a Greek brigade after the end of the Greco-Turkish war . While the rest of the Greek invading army is fleeing Turkey, the troops around General Nestor, who is addicted to morphine, are stuck in the desert. In addition to thefts and communist manifestos, the massacre of a village population also gnaws at the soldiers' morale. When they come across a small town, the men think they have been saved.

Karnezis describes the entangled fates of members of the army and townspeople. In this way he sketches the picture of a war that has been forgotten.

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