Panzi Gong

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Panzi Gong (Chinese 盤子 功) is the short name for the Qigong form of health exercise with the rotation of the plate. It belongs to the medical Qigong forms and consists of 8 exercises. The shape was developed in 1998 by Ding Hongyu at Nanjing University in China .


The exercises are performed with two plates. This ensures that the hands carrying the plates stay horizontal. All movements are circular. Such movements are the best type of exercise in sports. Less energy and strength is used. The physical impact is great. It is a natural and safe way to move. The exercise expands the physical flexibility and increases the coordination of movements. Panzi Gong complements Taiji Quan . Taiji Quan demands z. B. "Zhong Zheng An Shu" - straight, vertical, relaxed posture of head and body. The view remains mainly at eye level. In panzi gong, on the other hand, you practice bending and bending movements at different angles. Every part of the body, every joint gets a "special stimulus" and is trained by the exercise.

The exercises

Beginning of the exercise:

Put your feet parallel, a little wider than your shoulders. The hands carry the plates, the elbows bend. The plates should be the same height as the breast. Look straight ahead. Relax the whole body and breathe naturally so that the life energy ( Qi ) can sink into the lower energy center ( Dantian ).

Exercise 1: Stand firmly on the ground with the sky above your head

Exercise 1

1. As you inhale, turn your body 45 ° to the left. Do not move your left hand. Stretch your right hand forward and then move it in an arc to the left. Shift the focus to the left leg. With the exhalation bring the right hand back to the starting position. 2. Do the same as described above, only in the opposite direction with the left hand. 3. As you inhale, stretch your hands forward and then move them to the sides. As you exhale, bring your hands back to your shoulder (fingers backwards). 4. As you inhale, stretch your arms upwards. The hands continue to hold the plates. With the exhalation bring the hands in an arc back to the starting position. Attention is drawn to the dantian.

Exercise 2: Sun and moon look at each other

exercise 2

1. As you inhale, cross your hands in front of your chest and stretch them forward and up. The plates should be the same height as the head. With the exhalation bring both hands horizontally outwards. At the same time bend both knees and take the position of the horse ( Ma Bu ). 2. While inhaling, turn your hands with the body 90 ° to the left. Do not move the left foot, turn outwards on the tip of the right foot, then put the sole of the right foot on to the T position (Ding Bu). As you exhale, cross both hands in front of your chest, the plates should be the same height as your shoulders. 3. While inhaling, bring your hands horizontally to one side. The feet do not move. As you exhale, turn your body 90 ° to the right and bring your right foot back to the starting position. Keep your hands horizontal. 4. As you inhale, bring your hands back to your shoulder, fingers pointing backwards. As you exhale, bring your hands down in an arc back to the starting position. Attention is drawn to the Ming Men point.

Exercise 3: turn the plate towards the little finger

Exercise 3

1. As you inhale, make a flat circle to the left with your right hand. At the same time, shift your weight onto your left leg to take an arched step to the left (Gong Bu). 2. While exhaling, turn your right hand in front of your chest in the direction of your little finger and stretch to the right. At the same time, shift your weight to your right leg to take an arched step to the right (Gong Bu). 3. With the inhalation now move the right hand to the top left. In doing so, shift your weight back onto your left leg to take another step on the left side (Gong Bu). 4. While exhaling, turn your right hand over and behind your head, leaning your upper body backwards like an arch. At the same time, look to the sky. Continue the movement up to the starting position. Attention is drawn to the Lao Gong point.

Exercise 4: turn the plate in the direction of the thumb

Exercise 4

1. As you inhale, stretch your right hand to the left. At the same time, shift your weight to the left to take an arched step to the left (Gong Bu). Now move your right hand to the right in a circle in front of your chest. Shift your weight to the right, to a lateral arch step to the right (Gong Bu). 2. While exhaling bring your right hand in a circle to the top right, then arch your hand to the left behind and over your head. 3. With the inhalation move the right hand, the back of the hand is facing downwards, to the right. Shift your weight back to an arched step to the right (Gong Bu). 4. As you exhale, turn your right hand sideways from your body, below your armpit, and bring your hand back to the starting position. Attention is drawn to the Lao Gong point.

Exercise 5: The phoenix is ​​whirling around

Exercise 5

1. As you inhale, move your hands from their initial position in front of your chest in a semicircle from right to left up to shoulder level. 2. With the exhalation, pass the right hand under the armpit and stretch it to the right. At the same time put your left foot behind your right foot and go down to the position of the resting step (Xie Bu). 3. While inhaling, turn the body 180 ° to the left, making sure that the body remains in an upright position. (The position of the hands does not change.) 4. With the exhalation bring the right hand further up behind the head, at the same time stretching the left hand to the right and front. Then bring your hands back to the starting position. Attention is drawn to the dantian .

Exercise 6: Two kites play in the water

Exercise 6

1. While inhaling, make a circle outwards and forwards with both hands. As you exhale, shift your center of gravity down by bending your knees and bringing them together. At the same time, the hands are brought to the center of the body. 2. Repeat the same movement as in 1. 3. As you inhale, turn your body 30 ° to the right. Open both hands to the side (the left hand is stretched forward, the right hand backwards). As you exhale, turn your body forward to the left. At the same time, with your left hand, make a flat circle to the left that ends at shoulder level. The right hand and foot are brought in front of the body in an arc at the same time. 4. As you inhale, stretch your left hand upwards. Bring your right hand down at the height of your stomach. At the same time, put your right foot forward to position the empty step (Xu Bu). With the exhalation, bring the left hand down to the left side up to shoulder level, move the right hand to the right side and let it rise to shoulder height, at the same time lifting the right foot a little. Then bring your hands and feet back to the starting position. Attention is drawn to the Ming Men point.

Exercise 7: Send the bird back to the forest

Exercise 7

1. As you inhale, make a flat circle to the left with both hands. The body's center of gravity is shifted by bending the knees. (Ie the center of gravity of the body is shifted with the bending movement first on the left leg, then further on the right leg. The hands are brought to the center of the body.) 2. Make a second circle with the exhalation to the left, the left hand following turn to the left and stretch the right arm forward, the body weight is shifted to the left leg. Then shift your body weight onto your right leg and lift the tip of your left foot off the floor. At the same time, take your left hand back at hip level and bring your right hand at chest level. 3. Shift your body weight forward as you inhale. Extend the left hand from below the armpit to the front and top. At the same time bring your right hand under your left armpit. Shift the center of gravity of the body by releasing the right heel from the floor onto the left leg in order to assume the position of the empty step (Xu Bu). 4. With the exhalation, lower the body's center of gravity by putting on the heel and turning the body to the right. At the same time bring the right hand to the right and then bring the hands to the starting position. Attention is drawn to the Lao Gong point.

Note: For exercise 1 - 7, repeat movements 1 - 4 of the exercises to the other side or perform a second time.

Exercise 8: Balancing Yin and Yang

Part 1: swinging the body back and forth

1. As you inhale, bring your hands forward in a flat circle (up to the middle of your abdomen, your knees slightly bent). The body axis always remains vertical. 2. As you exhale, open your hands to the sides and allow your body weight to swing backwards. Keep your eyes on the left hand. 3. As you inhale, once again make a flat circle forward with your hands. Close your hands in front of your stomach again, bend your knees slightly and maintain your vertical body axis. 4. As you exhale, open your hands to the sides again and let your body weight swing backwards. Keep your eyes on the right hand.

Part 2: swing your body left and right

Exercise 8

1. With the inhalation, the body swings to the left (the center of gravity is shifted to the left leg). At the same time, the left hand swings slightly downwards and the right hand slightly upwards. The gaze is directed to the left hand. 2. With the exhalation, shift the focus to the right leg (the body swings to the right). At the same time, the right hand swings slightly downwards and the left hand slightly upwards. The gaze is directed to the right hand. 3. The same movement as 1. 4. The same movement as 2.


Ding Hongyu : Health exercise with the plate rotation (PanZi Gong - plate gong) . 1st edition LILIOM Verlag, 2012, ISBN 978-3-934785-60-1 .


Web links

More information about Panzi Gong

Short TV report about PanZi Gong from China

PanZi Gong demonstration on the campus of the Chinese Pharmaceutical University in Jiangning, November 2013

Video about the third and fourth form of PanZi Gong. The video was made on the campus of Nanjing University in May 2016.