Paraskevi Michou

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Paraskevi Michou ( Greek Παρασκευή Μίχου , also Vivi Michou ) is a Greek lawyer and has been Secretary General of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME) since March 1, 2018 . Before that, she was Deputy Secretary General in the General Secretariat of the European Commission since November 2015 .

Paraskevi Michou graduated from Athens University with a degree in Economics and Law and a Masters Degree in Computer Science from Imperial College London .

After completing her studies, she initially held various positions in private and public institutions in Greece, most recently in the Greek Ministry of Commerce. In 1992 she joined the European Commission and worked in the Directorates General for Enterprise, Internal Market and Information Society. Since 2011 she has been Director of Civil Justice in the Directorate-General for Justice and Consumer Protection . From October 2014, she was Managing Director General of DG JUST for one year. In addition to Greek, she speaks English and French.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Commission ready to do the DG shuffle . In: POLITICO . June 23, 2015 ( [accessed September 16, 2018]).