Parliamentary Assembly

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A parliamentary assembly ( PV ) is an assembly of the parliaments of member states of an international organization . The parliamentary assembly itself is usually an organ of the respective international organization (such as the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe or the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe), or at least institutionalized with the international organization (such as the Parliamentary Assembly NATO ).

Names and character

A parliamentary assembly can also have other names. For example, the PA of the Council of Europe was formerly known as the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe . The former Parliamentary Assembly of the European Communities renamed itself the European Parliament in 1962 , although it was still a PV. It was only with the introduction of direct European elections in 1979 that it actually acquired the character of a supranational parliament .


Parliamentary assemblies serve for interparliamentary coordination and improved parliamentary control .

The European Parliament is involved in the following PA with a delegation:

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly