General election in Antigua and Barbuda 2018

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The 2018 parliamentary elections in Antigua and Barbuda for MPs from the House of Representatives (Antigua and Barbuda) took place on March 21, 2018.

Election results

The Antigua and Barbuda Labor Party (ABLP) of Prime Minister Gaston Browne won by 2014 the choice again and won 15 of 17 seats in the House one more seat than before. The Prime Minister's wife, Maria Bird-Browne - granddaughter of the country's founding father, Sir Vere Cornwall Bird - was first elected to the House of Representatives. At the age of 26, she was the youngest MP in the country's history. On March 26, Gaston Browne was sworn in for his second term as Prime Minister.

The 2018 elections were early elections and took place 15 months earlier than the constitution stipulated. The original date would have been June 2019. The prime minister said he had to "offer investors predictability, demonstrate stability and ensure continuity". In their election campaign, the parties focused on the economy and the tourism industry. The ABLP spearheaded the government's achievements, while the main opposition party, the United Progressive Party (UPP), led by former Treasury Secretary Harold Lovell , accused the government of mismanagement.

The UPP received only one mandate in this election. This time the Barbuda Peoples Party moved into the House of Representatives as the third party . She won the only constituency on Barbuda .

A total of 17 seats
  • Antigua and Barbuda Labor Party : 15
  • United Progressive Party : 1
  • Barbuda Peoples Movement : 1
Distribution of seats
Political party Seats
Antigua and Barbuda Labor Party (ABLP) 15th
United Progressive Party (UPP) 1
Barbuda Peoples Movement (BPM) 1


  1. a b c ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA House of Representatives, ELECTIONS IN 2018. INTER-PARLIAMENTARY UNION, accessed September 15, 2018 .
  2. 2018 Election Results, Constituency Map. Antigua and Barbuda Electoral Commission, accessed September 15, 2018 .