Narodnik Communist Party

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The Narodnik Communist Party was a political party in Soviet Russia . The party was formed by a section of left socialist revolutionaries who wanted to work with the Bolsheviks of the Communist Party of Russia (Bolsheviks) . Snamja Trudowoi Kommuny ("Banner of the Labor Commune") was the central organ of the party.

The formation of the Narodnik Communist Party and the Party of Revolutionary Communism , another dissident group of the Left Socialist revolutionaries, followed the provocative assassination of the German ambassador by the Left Socialist Revolutionaries and their uprising on July 6th and 7th, 1918. The party of Narodnik communists condemned the anti-Soviet actions of the left socialist revolutionaries and formed their own party at a conference in September 1918. In November 1918 the congress of the Narodnik Communist Party decided to disband and merge with the KPR (B).


  1. Lenin : Conference of regimental delegates of the Pertrograd garrison, 1917 (English)
  2. Lenin: Letter to Jan Bersin of October 15, 1918 (English)
  3. Lenin: The proletarian revolution and the renegade Kautsky (English)