Party council
The party council is a body of various political parties that is usually located between the executive board and the party congress in terms of size and importance . Normally the party council advises and controls the executive committee, which is why its members are not elected as a whole, but are sent as delegates from subordinate groups. It is supposed to be a reflection of the party and is therefore sometimes referred to as a small party congress .
The party council differs from the party congress in that it has fewer members, which makes it organizationally easier to let this body meet more frequently. The exact distribution of tasks between the party council, party congress and party executive committee is regulated by the party's statutes . Usually a vote of the party council has more weight than that of the executive committee, but less than that of a party congress.
Parties that have a party council are u. a .:
- Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen (The party council at the federal level corresponds more to the role of the presidium in other parties; the above-mentioned features are largely non-transferable.)
- The left
The role of the CDU federal committee is comparable to that of a party council.