Parti radical-socialiste Camille Pelletan

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The Parti radical-socialiste Camille Pelletan ( PRS-CP for short ) was a small left-wing liberal party in the last years of the French Third Republic .

The Parti Radical - Socialiste Camille Pelletan was founded in 1934 by supporters of the left wing of the Radical Party after the alliance between the Parti Radical and the SFIO had broken . Their aim was to act as a bridge between the radicals and the socialists. However, they could not prevail. The parliamentary group leader Camille Pelletan , who died before the First World War, was her model as the main representative of the left party at the time and architect of the block of the left under Émile Combes .

In 1936 the PRS-CP, which had won 3 seats in the parliamentary elections, took part in the Popular Front . The PRS-CP disappeared with the collapse of the Third Republic.
