Partito Popolare Trentino

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The Partito Popolare Trentino (German: Trentiner People's Party or Italian People's Party ) was a political party in the Austrian crown land of Tyrol .


In Trentino, Catholic political work was initially coordinated from 1898 onwards by the newly founded "Comitato diocesano per l′azione cattolica". After Celestino Endrici was elected the new Bishop of Trento in March 1904, he promoted the development of a political organization for the Trentino Catholics, whereupon on October 19, 1904, an independent party was founded with the "Unione politica popolare del Trentino" (UPPT). which established itself from 1905 as "Partito Popolare Trentino". The main organ was the newspaper "La voce cattolica", which was renamed Il Trentino in 1906 and whose editor-in-chief from 1905 was Alcide De Gasperi . The party quickly rose to become the dominant party in Trentino and was the strongest party in Trentino in all parliamentary and imperial council elections. In the Reichsrat election in 1907 , as in the Reichsrat election in 1911 , the party was able to win seven out of nine Trentino mandates and all rural communities electoral districts. In 1908 the Trento People's Party won all 12 seats in the rural constituencies in the Tyrolean state parliament . In 1914 the party already had around 45,000 members with a comprehensive local group structure. The party maintained good contacts with the Christian Social Party , with the MPs in the Reichsrat, together with two representatives of the Italian People's Party in Gorizia and a representative of the Italian People's Party in Istria , forming the “Club of the Italian People's Party” and at times working with Romanian MPs in a club. An important representative of the Partito Popolare Trentino next to De Gasperi was Enrico Conci .

The Trentino People's Party had a national-conservative orientation and acted politically between an Austrian and an anti-Semitic or a cautiously nationalist orientation. After the outbreak of World War I, the party newspaper "Il Trentino" briefly flirted with Italy's entry into the war on the side of the Central Powers in order to put down "Slavism". As a result, however, the desire for Italy to be neutral as a party line prevailed, in particular to avert the serious consequences of a war between Austria and Italy for the Trentino population. In order to prevent censorship requirements, the publication of the party organ was suspended two days before Italy entered the war . Since the Austrian authorities doubted the loyalty of the Trentino population, around a third of the residents were subsequently resettled, while some of the MPs were interned or fled. After the end of the First World War, De Gaspari campaigned intensively for the autonomy of Trentino within Italy. His Trentino People's Party was founded again in 1919 and joined the Partito Popolare Italiano (Italian People's Party) on October 12, 1919 .


  • Alfredo Canavero: Alcide De Gasperi. Christian, democrat, European. Rome, Brussels 2010
  • Fritz Freund: The Austrian House of Representatives. A biographical-statistical handbook, 1911–1917, XII. Legislative period. Publishing house Dr. Rudolf Ludwig, Vienna 1911
  • Hanns Haas: Political, cultural and economic groups in western Austria, Upper Austria, Salzburg, Tyrol, Vorarlberg. In: The Habsburg Monarchy 1848–1918. Volume VIII. Political Public and Civil Society. 1st subband. Associations, parties and interest groups as carriers of political participation. Vienna 2006, pp. 227–395. ISBN 978-3-7001-3540-1