Reichsrat election 1907

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Parts of the empire and crown lands of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy :
  • Cisleithania
  • Transleithania
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina (administered since 1878, annexed in 1908)
  • The Imperial Council election in 1907 was the first Imperial Council election in Cisleithania that after the universal, equal secret, and direct male suffrage was performed. This was made possible by the electoral reform passed by the Reichsrat in autumn 1906 and sanctioned by Emperor Franz Joseph I in early 1907. Eligible to vote were (as since 1896) male citizens aged 24 and over who had been resident in their community for at least one year, but now without curiae and with the same voting weight.

    Electoral system

    The kingdoms and countries represented in the Imperial Council were divided into constituencies that had to be won. Gained no candidate on the first pass on 14 May 1907 an absolute majority, the month had 23 between the top two finishers a runoff election will be carried out. The Cisleithan constituencies were divided according to ethnicity and according to rural and urban districts. For example, there were German and Czech constituencies in Bohemia . The constituencies were often named after cities, but mostly also included the wider area. For example, Merano , Brixen , Bruneck and Lienz and their surroundings also belonged to the Tyrolean constituency of Bolzano , i.e. the area that we now call South Tyrol and East Tyrol .

    Distribution of seats according to nationality
    nationality German Czechs Poland Ukrainians Slovenes Italian Croatians and Serbs Romanians Jews total
    Mandates 232 108 83 31 24 19th 13 5 1 516

    Election result

    The Christian social and social democratic mass parties were able to achieve a significant success, while the German freedom honorary parties suffered heavy losses. Almost all of the electoral districts in present-day Austria were won by the Christian Socials, while the German mandates of Bohemia and Moravia were mainly won by the German People's Party , the German Agrarians , Social Democrats, Pan-Germans or German radicals. In Carinthia, too, the German People's Party won ahead of the Social Democrats. A similar picture emerged in cities like Graz , Salzburg , Innsbruck , Brno and Linz . In the imperial capital Vienna, on the other hand, the Christian Socials became the strongest force ahead of Social Democrats and the liberal German progressives.

    With 516 MPs, the Christian Socials and Conservatives with 96 MPs and the Social Democrats with 87 MPs formed the strongest parliamentary groups; in total there were almost 20 political groups. In the last ever Reichsrat election, in 1911, the ratio of the largest parliamentary groups was reversed: The Social Democrats now had 82 members, the Christian Socials 74.

    Elected MPs


    • Manfred Scheuch: Historical Atlas Austria , 6th edition, Vienna 2008.

    Individual evidence

    1. Law of January 26, 1907, RGBl. No. 15/1907 (= p. 57)
    2. ^ Urban, Otto: Česká společnost 1848–1918. Praha: Svoboda, 1982. p. 548. (Czech)
    3. ^ Mandate results of the Reichsrat elections of 1907, in: Reinhold Knoll, Zur Tradition der Christian-Sozialspartei. Their early and development history up to the Reichsrat elections in 1907, Vienna a. a. 1973, p. 248/49.