Parliamentary election in Hungary 1892

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Parts of the empire and crown lands of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy :
  • Cisleithania
  • Transleithania
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina (administered since 1878, annexed in 1908)
  • Hungarian election campaign 1892

    The parliamentary elections in Hungary in 1892 took place in Transleithanien from January 29th to February 3rd, 1892 . The Hungarian Reichstag ( Hungarian Magyar Országgyűlés ) was newly occupied .

    Electoral system

    In the Kingdom of Hungary and its crown lands , class suffrage had been in effect since 1867 . Privileges of class and property were much more decisive in Hungary than in Austria.

    Election result

    The result was a victory for the Liberal Party , which won 243 of the 413 seats.

    Political party Mandates % Parliamentary role
    Liberal Party 243 58.84% government
    National party 61 14.77% opposition
    Independence and 48 party 86 20.82% opposition
    Ugron independence and 48 party 15th 3.63% opposition
    Independent 8th 1.93% independently
    Total 413 100% -


    • Szabó Pál Csaba (szerk): A Magyar állam története 1711-2006 (Bölcsész konzorcium, Budapest, 2006) ISBN 963-9704-08-3 ( MEK online - 373-376. O.) (Hungarian)
    • Magyarország történeti kronológiája III. Főszerkesztő: Benda Kálmán. Budapest, 1993. (Hungarian)

    Individual evidence

    1. Vincent E. McHale: Political parties of Europe , Greenwood Press, 1983, ISBN 0-313-23804-9 , p. 505.