Parliamentary election in Hungary in 1949

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The parliamentary elections in Hungary in 1949 were sham elections in Hungary and took place on May 15, 1949 after the completion of the coordination of the former opposition parties.


After the semi-free parliamentary elections on August 31, 1947 had not resulted in the victory of the communist MKP desired by the occupying power of the Soviet Union , the MKP and Social Democrats were forcibly united on June 12, 1948 to form the Party of Hungarian Working People .


The parliamentary elections in May 1949 were carried out according to single lists. The Communist Party of the Hungarian Working People and the FKgP , NPP , FMDP and MRP , which had been transformed into block parties , formed a common electoral list and ran under a uniform program. The distribution of seats was determined in advance and secured the party of the Hungarian working people a two-thirds majority .

Official results

Political party be right % Mandates
Hungarian Working People's Party 5,478,515 97.1 285
FKgP 62
NPP 39
MRP 4th
Independent 2
Votes against 165.283 2.9 -
Invalid votes 86.721 - -
total 5,730,519 100 402


After the election, the constitution was changed and the People's Republic of Hungary was transformed into a one-party state . Accordingly, in the following "election" in 1953, only the party of the Hungarian working people entered.
