Reichsrat election 1885

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Parts of the empire and crown lands of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy :
  • Cisleithania
  • Transleithania
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina (administered since 1878, annexed in 1908)
  • The 1885 Reichsrat election was held in Cisleithanien on June 1st, 3rd and 5th .

    Electoral system

    Since 1873 the curiae suffrage was in effect in Cisleithanien . The voters were classified into four curiae according to their status and wealth. The curiae were large landowners, chambers of commerce and trade, large and medium-sized farmers and all other male citizens living in cities who paid at least 10 guilders (five guilders from 1882) direct taxes annually. This corresponded to a total of 6% of the adult population.

    Election result

    After the elections, the Czech club (mainly young Czechs ) had 65 members, the Polish club 56 and the conservative German forces 53 members.

    Elected MPs


    • Manfred Scheuch: Historical Atlas Austria , 6th edition, Vienna 2008.

    Individual evidence

    1. a b Urban, Otto: Česká společnost 1848–1918. Prague: Svoboda, 1982. pp. 510-511. (Czech)
    2. col. aut .: Československé dějiny v datech. Prague: Svoboda, 1987. ISBN 80-7239-178-X . P. 321. (Czech)
    3. ^ Urban, Otto: Česká společnost 1848-1918 . Prague: Svoboda, 1982. p. 410. (Czech)