Partito Socialista Autonomo

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The Partito socialista autonomo (German: Independent Socialist Party) was a Marxist party from the Swiss canton of Ticino .

The left split of the Ticino SP was founded on April 27, 1969. The founders had gathered around the newspaper "Politica Nuova", which had existed since 1965, and were close to the 1968 movement . The party base consisted to a large extent of teachers and state employees. In the 1970s, the PSA made a name for itself with lively opposition work, both in society (for example in tenant protection) and in the Ticino Grand Council , where it was represented by six to eight MPs from 1971-91.

In the Swiss parliamentary elections in 1975 , thanks to cooperation with the Labor Party and the PdA spin-off "Comunità dei socialisti ticinesi", the PSA succeeded in electing its first PSA secretary, Werner Carobbio , to the National Council. This formed a joint parliamentary group with the PdA, which POCH also joined from 1979 .

In the 1980s, the PSA increasingly followed a social democratic line. In 1987 he was able to move into the government council with Pietro Martinelli . In 1988 he merged with the "Comunità dei socialisti ticinesi" to form the Partito socialista unitario (German: United Socialist Party). This set in motion a difficult, rivalry process of rapprochement with the Ticino SP, which resulted in the 1992 merger under the umbrella of SP Switzerland.


  • Pompeo Macaluso: Storia del Partito Socialista Autonomo , Armando Dadò Editore, Locarno 1997.

Web links

Silvano Gilardoni: Partito Socialista Autonomo. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . October 8, 2008 .