Participative software development

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Participative software development is the creation of computer programs with the involvement of future users. One of the aims of this is to increase the ergonomics and usability of the software product. Participation can take place in different ways. It makes sense to let the future end user work on the project at an early stage. The customer assigns qualified employees who contribute their wishes and suggestions. As a result, on the one hand, a higher degree of usability of the later product is achieved and, on the other hand, employee participation is guaranteed.

Conditions for successful participation

  • Access to important information
  • Opportunity to take a stand on problems independently
  • Participation in decisions
  • Appropriate methods for participatory development
  • Scope for technical and organizational solutions


  • Prof. Dr. Susanne Maaß, Seminar Participative Software Development at the University of Bremen [1] and others