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The Paschkowians or Paschkowzy ( Russian Пашковцы , wiss. Transliteration Paškovcy , English Pashkovites ) are a sect named after Vasily Alexandrovich Paschkow ( Василий Александрович Пашков ) , which was formed in the last quarter of the 19th century under Paschkow in Russia . At first it was known under the name Redstokisty ( Редстокисты ), after the English Lord Radstock .

She developed numerous missionary activities in Saint Petersburg , Moscow , Nizhny Novgorod , Tula and numerous other areas. She published religious literature and established relationships with the Stundists of Ukraine and the Baptists of the Caucasus . In 1884 Pashkov made an unsuccessful attempt to unite Baptists, Stundists, Molocans and Mennonite Brethren Churches ( братскими меннонитами ).

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