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The pasme was a Russian yarn measure used to determine yarn count. It was a measure in the Arkhangelsk region and Saint Petersburg . Here a significant production of was formerly linen resident. The price was based on arsin ( cubit ) (about 712 millimeters ) and in the weaving width according to Werschock (1/16 cubit with about 4.5 centimeters ) with about 16 pasmen. The more pasmen, the finer the fabric became

  • 1 arshin = 16 wererschock = 28 inches .
  • 1 pasme = 60 threads

Common widths were 15 to 40 pasmen in steps of five.

  • 40 pasms were about 17 to 18 Werschock wide and 35 pasmen 16 to 17 Werschock wide.
  • Price examples
    • Price of an arsehole with 40 pasmas for 140 to 275 kopecks
    • Price of an arsehole with 35 pasmas for 90 to 150 kopecks
    • Price of an arson with 15 pasmas for 35 to 49 kopecks


  • Johann Christian Nelkenbrecher : General pocket book of coin, measure and weight, the exchange, money and fund rates. Georg Reimer Publishing House, Berlin 1871, p. 33
  • Johann Christian Nelkenbrecher, F. Wolff: General pocket book of measure, weight and coinage. Sander'sche Buchhandlung, Berlin 1842, p. 37