Chamber of Patent Attorneys

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The Chamber of Patent Attorneys is the professional representation of patent attorneys .


In Germany, admission to the office of patent attorney leads by law to compulsory membership in the Chamber of Patent Attorneys.

The Chamber of Patent Attorneys is a federal corporation under public law with its seat in Munich . As an "indirect state administration", it performs the state tasks assigned to it by law. Among other things, it acts z. B. in the process of admission to the patent attorney, monitors compliance with professional law and mediates disputes between individual patent attorneys. Details of their tasks and powers can be found in the Patentanwaltsordnung (PatAnwO).

President of the Chamber of Patent Attorneys has been Nanno M. Lenz since January 2016, his predecessor was Brigitte Böhm .


The Chamber of Patent Attorneys in Austria is a public corporation with its seat in Vienna . The Chamber of Patent Attorneys has the task of looking after the common professional, social and economic interests of the patent attorneys, of monitoring the fulfillment of professional obligations and of ensuring that the honor and dignity of the class are preserved. Daniel Alge is the President of the Austrian Chamber of Patent Attorneys.

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Individual evidence

  1. § 53 PatAnwO ( Patentanwaltsordnung )
  3. Brigitte Böhm's curriculum vitae on the website of the Weickmann & Weickmann law firm, accessed on March 6, 2015
  4. ^ Austrian Chamber of Patent Attorneys - Legal bases