Patrice Gueniffey

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Patrice Gueniffey

Patrice Gueniffey (born March 20, 1955 ) is a French historian. He was the head of studies at EHESS .

Gueniffey obtained his doctorate in 1989 under François Furet and became director of studies at the Center de recherches politiques Raymond Aron , which he directed from 2006 to 2008. He is considered an excellent expert on French revolutionary and empirical history and in 2013 wrote the first volume of an extremely detailed biography of Napoleon I with a few new accents (on over 1000 pages). Gueniffey co-edited a new edition of Napoleon's correspondence. The edition project gave international Napoleon research new impetus.

Gueniffey received the Grand Prix Gobert for his biography in 2014 .
