Paul-Laurent Assoun

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Paul-Laurent Assoun (* 1948) is a French psychoanalyst and philosopher.


Assoun studied at the École normal supérieure de Saint-Cloud . His dissertation, Idéologie politique et lutte de classes dans le discours historiographique du "fatalisme historique" en France sous la Restauration from 1987 was supervised by Georges Lavau.

Professional career

Assoun had his first professorship at the University of Nijmegen , where he taught social philosophy and political science from 1987 to 1993. He then worked as a psychoanalyst and until the end of 2007 as a professor at the University of Paris VII , where he founded the clinical human science department . He was a member of the research group psychanalyse et pratiques sociales (Unité mixte de recherche) at the CNRS . Paul-Laurent Assoun is editor of Philosophy d'aujourd'hui , a collection of the Presses universitaires de France , of Psychanalyse et pratiques sociales at Anthropos / Economica, and he is also a member of the editorial board of the journal for psychoanalysis Penser / Rêver (Éditions de l ' Olivier).


Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the SUDOC catalog with a brief summary (French)

Web links