Paul Petras

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Journalist, writer, publisher, dialect and local poet
Dr. Paul Petras

Paul Petras (born October 10, 1860 in Grünberg , Silesia , † January 25, 1941 in Cologne ) was a local Silesian poet.


Petras was born as the son of the elementary school teacher Eduard Petras and his wife Christiane, geb. Lupke, daughter of a farmer in Sawade near Grünberg, was born. In 1871 he was accepted into the sixth of the Grünberg Friedrich Wilhelm School and left the municipal high school in 1881 with the certificate of maturity.

This was followed by study visits to Freiburg i.Br. and Breslau with a degree in German , modern languages ​​and philosophy. He finished his studies in Breslau and received his doctorate in philosophy in 1885 on the basis of his dissertation on the Middle English version of the legend of the Seven Wise Masters . At the same time he took the exam pro facultate docendi and taught for one year - from 1887 to 1888 - at the Grünberger Oberschule in English and French.

1888 brought him - as he wrote in a vita - a turning point in his life: "I became a journalist out of a tendency to write." He completed an apprenticeship at the publishing house of the Breslauer Zeitung , where he was able to use his language skills and his knowledge of shorthand . This was soon followed by a position as third editor-in-chief at Geselligen in Graudenz , where he wrote so-called "local chats", read corrections, revisions and worried meeting reports. After these first journalistic steps, Petras took over the local section of the Breslauer General-Anzeiger as editor-in-chief in 1889 .

In 1891 Petras initially worked as a journalist in Meerane in Saxony , but that year moved to Bromberg (then the province of Posen ), where he published the liberal Ostdeutsche Lokal-Anzeiger / Bromberger Imparteiischen until 1900 . From 1900 to 1912 Petras published the East German daily newspaper with its own publishing house in Konitz / West Prussia .

1912 cited in the publisher of the Hamburg Tourist sheet , Albert Broschek, who at the time when Graudenzer Sociable already know and Petras had come to appreciate, to Hamburg. Petras worked there primarily as a translator, including the rotogravure supplement, which regularly reported in four languages ​​about the prominent guests of the Hanseatic city. He also directed the weekly picture newspaper Welt im Bild des Fremdblatt, which appeared in twelve languages during the First World War , checked the foreign language captions and negotiated "with the translators of foreign languages". After the war, Welt im Bild appeared as a daily supplement in German. Petras continued to work as a translator for the publishing house and the expedition, as well as a librarian and archivist. In 1929 Petras retired.

In his Silesian homeland Petras was valued as a dialect poet or local poet . Among other things, he published stories in the Silesian dialect in the Grünberger Wochenblatt , which were also published as a book in Grünberg. He also wrote essays for the Grünberger Heimatkalender . Regarding his literary connection with his homeland, Petras wrote: “As a poet, I also made some contributions for the local press. The Grünberger honored me for delivering songs for their 'wine festivals' by making me their 'homeland poet'. "

In 1935 the University of Wroclaw renewed his doctoral degree with the "Golden Jubilee" and honored his work in the field of folklore in the congratulatory letter .

The honor grave of Paul Petras in the cemetery of Kühnau / Grünberg

Petras died in Cologne in 1941 and, as requested, was buried in his hometown Grünberg in the evangelical cemetery in Kühnau. There his hometown honors him with an honorary grave.

Works and publications

  • About the Middle English versions of the legend of the seven wise masters - Part I: Tradition and source. - Inaugural dissertation, which together with the attached theses for obtaining the philosophical doctorate with the approval of the high philosophical faculty of the University of Breslau Saturday, September 12th. 1885, vorm. Paul Petras from Grünberg in Silesia will defend publicly at 11 a.m. in the music hall . Opponents: Paul Lienig, cand.phil., Georg Reich, cand.phil., Paul Bläschke, cand.phil. - Grünberg i. Schl. - Friedr. Weiß Nachf. (Hugo Söderstrom)
  • Chronicle of the city of Konitz - portrayed by Dr. P. Petras - Konitz 1910 - Book decorations by Hans Petras - Published and printed by Dr. P. Petras
Paul Petras - From Home - Collected Stories in Silesian Dialect
  • Small student songbook - Konitz Westpr. - Song collection - Print Dr. P. Petras - n.d.
  • On Grünbergs vine hills - Grünberger Weinlieder - Silesian and High German poems by Paul Petras - Verlag von W. Levysohn, Grünberg in Schlesien - 1926
On Grünberg's vine hills - Grünberger Weinlieder - Silesian and High German poems by Paul Petras
  • Paul Petras - From the homeland - Collected stories in Silesian dialect - Second increased edition - Printed and published by W. Levysohn, Grünberg, Schles. - 1927

Web links