Pauli-Lubanski pseudo vector

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The Pauli-Lubanski pseudo-vector is named after Wolfgang Pauli and Józef Lubański . It occurs in the special theory of relativity and the associated quantum theory . For massive particles, its square is the (negative) square of their spin times the square of their mass. For massless particles it is proportional to the four-momentum with a factor which is the helicity of the particle.

The Pauli-Lubanski pseudo-vector is defined as

in which

The components of the Pauli-Lubanski pseudo-vector can also be used as

where the angular momentum operator is and .


Because the Levi-Civita symbol is totally antisymmetric, the Pauli-Lubanski pseudo-vector is perpendicular to the four-pulse

and exchanged with him


With the angular momentum tensor, the Pauli-Lubanski pseudo-vector has the commutator relation


where is the metric tensor , and with itself


Therefore the square of the Pauli-Lubanski pseudo-vector swaps with all generators and the Poincaré group . So this generator is a Casimir operator of algebra . In particular, all momentum wave functions of a particle are eigenfunctions of having the same eigenvalue. Likewise, the square of its momentum is a Casimir operator. The eigenvalues ​​of both determine the particle's mass and spin, or, if the mass disappears, its helicity.

Effect on single-particle states

Massive particles

For a massive particle with mass , there are states whose pulse wave function at not disappear. There applies

where is the spin of the particle.

As a Casimir operator acts on every irreducible representation of the Poincaré group according to Schur's lemma as a multiple of .

Consequently, applies not only to but for all impulses and for every wave function of the particle.

Hence the square of the spin.

Massless particles

For a massless particle with there are states whose pulse wave functions at not disappear. There applies


The Casimir operator is therefore non-positive for all momenta and for all massless states.

However, contain massless representations of the Poincaré group with an infinite number of helicities , or . Such particles (irreducible representations of the Poincaré group) have never been observed and would give an infinite heat capacity of each cavity. So it is on physical, massless particles , as it applies in the limit case of massive particles with fixed spin. From the explicit form of the generator it follows for all wave functions

initially at . Because of the Lorentz invariance, this also applies to every non-vanishing momentum of the forward light cone.

The factor is the helicity of the particle.


  • Edouard B. Manoukian: Quantum Field Theory I: Foundations and Abelian and Non-Abelian Gauge Theories . Springer, 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-30938-5 , pp. 141-146 .

Individual evidence