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Pecia or Pecie ( Latin : piece, part) is a system for the rapid handwritten reproduction of fonts, which was used from the 12th century. Instead of handwriting a document as a whole, university manuscripts , especially in jurisprudence, were divided into several layers so that several copyists could work on them at the same time. These individual layers could be borrowed from the Stationarius , the university bookseller , for a fee. These professional lenders were mainly found in the great universities of Italy, France and England. In this way, the process of handwritten copying could be accelerated considerably.

In Germany, the creation of handwritten copies was often done by the students themselves, which, however, resulted in many errors. In the Pecia system, on the other hand, the peciarius checked the copies for correctness (for example at the University of Bologna ) , which significantly minimized the number of errors before the stationarius became active as a publisher. Many of the fonts that were created in this way have marginal signs that indicate a change of writing hand.


  • Giovanna Murano: Manoscritti prodotti per exemplar e pecia conservati nelle biblioteche austriache: Admont, Graz, Innsbruck, Klosterneuburg, Kremsmünster, Lilienfeld, Linz, Melk, Salzburg, Schlägl, St. Florian, Vorau, Vienna e Zwettl Verl. Der Österr. Akad. Der Wiss., Vienna 2003. ISBN 3-7001-3153-4
  • Ursula Rautenberg (Hrsg.): Reclams Sachlexikon des Buches. 2nd improved edition, Philipp Reclam jun., Stuttgart 2003, ISBN 3-15-010542-0


  1. ^ Philosophical University of Passau, book studies
  2. Gianfranco Orlandelli: I testi manoscritti. In: Alma mater librorum. Nove secoli di editoria bolognese per l'Università. Bologna 1988/89, pp. 33-43; hie: pp. 35-37 .; quoted in: Konrad Goehl , Johannes Gottfried Mayer , Kurt Hans Staub: What to do when the plague comes: blaspheme gods or burn Jews? In: Editions and studies on Latin and German specialist prose from the Middle Ages. Festival ceremony for Gundolf Keil. Königshausen and Neumann, Würzburg 2000. ISBN 3-8260-1851-6 , pp. 127–166; here: p. 129.

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