Pedro Alba (composer)

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Pedro Alba , also Pedro Alva , (* around 1530 in Asturias , † after 1572 in Burgos ) was a Spanish composer of the 16th century.

Alba was initially cathedral music director in Oviedo (Asturias) until September 15, 1557 . From there he successfully applied for the same position in Burgos and stayed there until 1572. Here he was known as The Master of Burgos.

His motets and hymns remained in manuscript during his lifetime and were only printed posthumously.

Works by Pedro Alba


  • Wilibald Gurlitt , Carl Dahlhaus (ed.): Riemann Music Lexicon. In three volumes and two supplementary volumes. Alba, Pedro. 12th completely revised edition. 1. Personal section A – KB Schotts-Söhne, Mainz 1959, p. 17 (first edition: 1882).
  • Wilibald Gurlitt, Carl Dahlhaus (ed.): Riemann Music Lexicon. In three volumes and two supplementary volumes. Alba, Pedro. 12th completely revised edition. 4. Personal section A – KB Schotts-Söhne, Mainz 1972, p. 11 (first edition: 1882).
  • Alba, Pedro. City portal Munich, accessed on May 2, 2019 .

Individual evidence

  1. life data according to
  2. Riemann Music Lexicon. 1972. Pedro Alba.
  3. According to the Catalan language Wikipedia.
  4. Riemann Music Lexicon. 1959. Pedro Alba.