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Pelagio or Pelágio is the name of the following people:

  • Carlo di Cesare del Palagio (1538–1598), Italian bronze caster, terracotta artist, modeller and sculptor
  • Pelayo (Portuguese: Pelágio ; Latin: Pelagius ; † 737), founder of the Asturian Empire
  • Pelagius von Albano (also: Paio Galvão , Pelagio Galvani , Pelagius von St. Lucia , Pelagius Albanensis ; * around 1165–1230), Spanish Benedictine, cardinal and canon lawyer
  • Alvarus Pelagius (Spanish: Álvaro Pelágio , Álvaro Pelayo , Portuguese: Álvaro Pais , Álvaro Paez ; * around 1275-1350), Franciscan theologian and Bishop of Silves (Portugal)
  • Pelagio Palagi (1775–1860), Italian painter, sculptor and furniture designer
  • Pelagio I , Bishop of Coimbra
  • Pelagio II , Bishop of Coimbra

See also: