Penetration (medicine)

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Penetration (Latin: penetrare: to penetrate, to penetrate) describes in medicine the penetration of objects, germs, tumors, body parts generally into the body and within the body into neighboring organs and regions.

Infection occurs when the pathogen penetrates the cells; a disease process (e.g. tumor , ulcer ) can also "penetrate" into neighboring organs or regions. Injuries caused by pointed or blunt objects are also penetrating if they penetrate the body surface (see also trauma (medicine) ).

In dysphagia , the entry of material ( saliva / fluid / food / reflux / contrast agent ) into the entrance to the larynx ( aditus laryngis ), possibly up to the level of the vocal folds, is called “penetration”. This must be differentiated from aspiration , in which material also gets under the glottic level .

In sexual and forensic terms, penetration also means inserting the penis , sex toys or other objects into the vagina or anus .

Individual evidence

  1. Jürgen Wendler, Wolfgang Seidner, Ulrich Eysholdt: Textbook of Phoniatry and Pedaudiology . 4th edition. Thieme, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-13-102294-9 .
  2. G. Bartolome, H. Schröter-Morasch: Swallowing disorders - diagnostics and rehabilitation . 4th edition. Urban and Fischer, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-437-47161-2 .