Pennel (unit)

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Pennel was a volume measure for coal in Bavaria , especially in the area around Fischbachau . The term is derived from Bendel, Bendl, Pendl, which means a basket, wagon basket or seat box on a sledge. With this vehicle four to five sacks of coal could be transported. The Bavarian sack was "4 ells long and 3 ells wide".

  • 5 pennels = 1 fuder = 4 sacks

See also


  • Johann Georg Lori: Collection of the Bavarian Mining Law: With an introduction to the Bavarian mining law history. Franz Lorenz Richter, Munich 1764, p. 643.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Andreas Schmeller: Bavarian Dictionary. Volume 1, JG Cotta, Stuttgart / Tübingen 1827, p. 178.