Perfect group

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In mathematics, perfect groups are those groups that are identical to their commutator group .

A group is therefore perfect if where where denotes the commutator group. In the past, perfect groups were also called perfect groups.


Note: The properties presented here refer to non- trivial perfect groups.

Factor groups of perfect groups are perfect. Since every commutative factor group factors out the commutator group, perfect groups have no non-trivial Abelian factor groups. So perfect groups are highly not Abelian, since the commutator group is the smallest normal divisor , so that the associated factor group is Abelian. In particular, perfect groups are therefore not resolvable and therefore do not have any resolvable factor groups.


The alternating groups are perfect for , because they are even simple , so they have no non-trivial normal divisors, and they are not Abelian, so the commutator group is the entire group. Since the commutator group is identical to the small group of four , is not perfect. The Abelian group is simple but not perfect because as an Abelian group it owns as a commutator group.

If a non-Abelian group is easy, then it is perfect. Because the commutator group is a normal divisor that is different from and thus the whole group.

The special linear group is perfect, but not easy.

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