Peter Knötzele

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Peter Knötzele (* 1965 in Pforzheim ) is a German provincial Roman archaeologist .


Peter Knötzele studied archeology and history at the University of Freiburg and in London . In Freiburg he received his doctorate in 1996 under Hans Ulrich Nuber . He took part in numerous excavations in Germany as well as in Lebanon and Syria . The activity in Syria extended from 1997 to 2010, including many years of work (from 2001 to 2010) in the excavations on the citadel of Aleppo under the direction of Kay Kohlmeyer from the Berlin University of Technology and Economics . In addition, he was freelance involved in several local chronicles and a biography, as well as in several exhibitions that he designed or accompanied scientifically.

As part of his work at the city of Heidenheim, he developed an archaeological shop window and a project for the long-term unemployed "Participate desired", which was funded by the European Social Fund. From 2007 to 2013 he was a city archaeologist in Heidenheim an der Brenz , then at Archäologie-Zentrum GmbH, a private excavation company in Günzburg . Currently (2020) Knötzele is employed by Archaeotask based in Engen .

Publications (selection)

  • with Rolf-Heiner Behrends: The Roman estate of Karlsruhe-Durlach . Friends of the Pfinzgaumuseum Durlach, Karlsruhe-Durlach 1995, ISBN 3-9803311-1-3 .
  • On the topography of the Roman Stettfeld (district of Karlsruhe). Excavations 1974–1987 . Theiss, Stuttgart 2006, ISBN 3-8062-2040-9 (= dissertation).
  • Roman shoes. Luxury on your feet (= writings from the Limes Museum Aalen 59). Theiss, Stuttgart 2007, ISBN 3-8062-2172-3 .
  • The dog is worth the throne. Cultural history of the dog - from the beginnings through antiquity to the Middle Ages . Oertel + Spörer, Reutlingen 2011, ISBN 978-3-88627-837-4 .
  • The Romans in Karlsruhe . JS Klotz Verlag, Neulingen 2018, ISBN 978-3-946231-26-4 .
  • The Roman burial ground of Stettfeld. Part 2: Catalog of the graves and other findings . Theiss, Stuttgart 2018, ISBN 978-3-95490-356-6
  • The Romans in Ettlingen . JS Klotz Verlag, Neulingen 2019, ISBN 978-3-948424-19-0 .

more publishments

  • Th. Adam / K. Dussel / P. Knötzele, Stettfeld 2000 years of history (Ubstadt-Weiher 2003).
  • F. Bloch / V. Daiber / P. Knötzele, studies of late antique and Islamic ceramics. Orient-Archäologie 18 (Rahden / Westf. 2006) 167 ff.
  • Chr. Leschke / P. Knötzele, History of the City of Ettlingen 1 A. Salvaged from the ground. Archaeological finds from Ettlingen (Heidelberg 2006).
  • The sites visited by Thran in Europe, Malta and North Africa. In: Stadtarchiv Karlsruhe (ed.), A trip to Africa on behalf of the city founder. The diary of the Karlsruhe court gardener Christian Thran 1731-1733. Publication of the Karlsruhe City Archives 30 (Karlsruhe 2008) 57-74.
  • From the early settlement to the first document. In: Bürgererverein Grünwinkel (ed.), Grünwinkel. Gutshof - community district (Karlsruhe 2009) 19-44.
  • The leather finds from Osterburken. In: Find reports from Baden-Württemberg 34/1, 2014, 699-766.

Web links