Peter Statorius the Elder J.

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Peter Statorius (Polish: Piotr Stoiński , * around 1565 in Pińczów ; † May 9, 1605 in Rakau ) was a Polish writer and theologian and as such an important representative of Polish Unitarianism .

life and work

Peter Statorius was born around 1565 in Pińczów, Little Poland. His father was the French native of the same name Peter Statorius the Elder. Ä. who played a not insignificant role in building the Unitarian Church in Poland ( Polish Brothers ). In July 1582, Statorius d. J. at the University of Altdorf . In 1588 he was appointed pastor of the Unitarian parish in Lusławice, Little Poland. In the two years later simmering intra-Unitarian conflict over the understanding of the Lord's Supper, Statorius and Fausto Sozzini spoke out in favor of a Zwinglian position. In the following years he wrote several theological defenses of Unitarianism and thus helped to sharpen the theological profile of the early Polish Unitarians. The writing Obrona , in which Statorius outlined the socianian soteriology in an easily accessible form for a broad readership , became of particular importance . Towards the end of the 16th century, the need for a uniform theologically founded Unitarian confessional document grew , whereupon Statorius and Fausto Sozzini took on the revision of Georg Schomann's catechism from 1574, which ultimately led to the creation of the Rakau catechism . Sozzini died before the work was finished, so that Statorius continued the catechism in a row with Valentin Schmalz , Johann Völkel and Hieronymus Moskorzowski . Statorius, who had recently moved to Rakau for this purpose, also died a short time later, so that he could no longer experience the printing and publication of the Rakau Catechism, which he co-authored. He died on May 9, 1605 at the age of about forty.


  • Kęstutis Daugirdas: The Beginnings of Socinianism - Genesis and Penetration of the Historical-Ethical Model of Religion in the University Discourse of Evangelicals in Europe , Göttingen 2016, ISBN 978-3-525-10142-1 , p. 178 ff.

Web links

  • Article on the Unitariens Chrétiens website (French)