Petr Kraus

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Petr Kraus (born November 10, 1966 ) is a Czech entrepreneur, manager, founder of the Newton Group .


In 1994, together with Antonín Koláček, he was involved in the creation of the Newton Financial Management Group , which dealt with business activities in the financial markets and related advisory activities. During the 1990s he helped reorganize and steer a number of industrial companies and financial institutions at home and abroad. The most important projects of that time include the Všeobecný vzájemný penzijní fond (now the ING pension fund ), the Otrokovice thermal power station and Newton Media.

Kraus invested considerable funds in the education and promotion of university students. In 2003 he founded Newton College . As part of this, in 2005 he initiated the establishment of the Erudikon Foundation Fund , which wants to help those who are otherwise unable to get an education at all types of schools.

MUS case

He ended his close cooperation with the Czech coal mining company Mostecká uhelná společnost (MUS) in 2002, but the Swiss court found him guilty of money laundering (not legally binding). As a result of the Swiss accusation and the reopening of the MUS case by the Czech authorities in 2012, his current accounts have been seized and his property, including the house in which he lives, has been seized.

From the beginning of the investigation, Kraus argued that both he and the other convicted entrepreneurs and managers saved the MUS and that it was absurd to criminalize their activities. Also in view of the fact that, thanks to the successful restructuring of the time, MUS is still a stable and important company employing thousands of people.

On Sunday, October 20, 2013, on the Czech television program “Questions from Václav Moravec” about the sale of the MUS, he said, among other things: "This is a dispute about the shape of the Czech transformation. This is a dispute, which does not belong in the workplaces of the procurators, but at conferences and in public space, as a discussion about whether this should have been the case or not. "

Individual evidence

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