Petrus Armengol

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Vicente Carducho : Sankt Petrus Armengol , Museo del Prado .

Saint Peter Armengol , actually Pere Ermengol de Rocafort , (* 1238 near Tarragona , Catalonia , † April 27, 1304 ) was a Spanish Mercedarian . As the son of noble parents, he lived a dissolute youth until he was converted in 1258 and entered the order founded by St. Peter Nolascus . After years of penance , he decided to fight slavery . He went to Algeria, where he took the place of 18 Christian children who were facing enslavement by Saracen slave traders. Petrus Armengol was tortured and supposed to be hanged, but saved at the last minute by his brother.

On March 28, 1686 he was by Pope Innocent XI. canonized. His holiday is April 27th.

Web links

Commons : Sankt Petrus Armengol  - Collection of images, videos and audio files