Care dependency scale

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The care dependency scale (SOS) is the 14 basic needs of Virginia Henderson constructed instrument of care assessment . It was published in 1996 in the Netherlands by Dijkstra et al. and was originally designed for the assessment of the need for care of psychogeriatric people in long-term care facilities. It has now been translated into 12 languages ​​and adapted to different areas of application and care settings.

Due to its focus on the systemic assessment of care dependency, the PAS is suitable as an overview instrument and can provide the basis for further assessment instruments. The theoretical care framework is defined by the definition of care dependency as the need for help to minimize the self-care deficit that can occur in different areas. The task of the caregiver in this area is to determine what the person being cared for can do and where he needs help.

For this purpose, the scale is divided into sections in which points are distributed. The more points are achieved, the higher the dependency on care. The PAS should take place in the first step of the nursing process , the gathering of information and the nursing diagnosis . Training on correct use is recommended as helpful.
