Nursing Home Rating Report

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The Nursing Home Rating Report is a series of economic studies that analyze the financial situation of German nursing homes through current and future ratings. The most important goal is to create transparency in the German nursing home market. Derived from this, the aim is to provide decision-makers at the various levels (nursing homes and their business partners, politics, social long-term care insurance , banks and investors) with empirically verified knowledge about this market.


As a predecessor study for nursing homes, the creditworthiness or creditworthiness of German hospitals was assessed for the first time in 2004 under the name “Insolvency Risks of Hospitals - Assessment and Transparency under Basel II” . Annual financial statements from 212 German hospitals and externally accessible, hospital-specific data were included in the study. In 2006, the creditworthiness of German nursing homes was assessed for the first time under the name “Care Insurance, Ratings and Demography - Challenges for German Nursing Homes”. Taking account of developments specific to nursing homes, the current annual financial statements of around 500 nursing homes (116 annual financial statements) were analyzed, evaluated and updated. The “Nursing Home Rating Report” has been published every two years since 2007. The " Hospital Rating Reports " has been published annually since 2006, the "Rehabilitation Rating Reports" since 2007 regularly.

Structure and order

The studies describe both the German nursing home market in terms of services, prices, costs, subsidies and capacities, as well as the ratings of nursing homes in the status quo and in projections. Segmentation according to sponsorship, region, etc. is evaluated using bivariate and multivariate analyzes and illustrated using numerous colored diagrams, maps, tables and numerous benchmarks. The results are anonymized, the names and ratings of the homes examined are not published.

Content aspects

The “Nursing Home Rating Report 2015” examines the current and future situation of the German care market for the fifth time and suggests measures with which the impending bottlenecks could be countered. For the current edition, RWI, HCB GmbH and Philips GmbH evaluated 469 annual financial statements, which comprise a total of 2,252 nursing homes. The report also takes into account official data from the Federal Statistical Office of all around 13,000 nursing homes, 12,700 outpatient services and 2.6 million people in need of care.

The nursing homes are currently doing well economically. Almost three quarters (72 percent) have a very good credit rating and only 7 percent have an increased risk of bankruptcy. By comparison: 16 percent of hospitals are at high risk of bankruptcy. By 2030, a third more citizens will be in need of care and up to 321,000 inpatient care places will also be required.

Core team of authors (involved in all reports)


So far, the following nursing home rating reports have been published:

year title Core authors ISBN
2006 Long-term care insurance, ratings and demographics - challenges for German nursing homes Sebastian Krolop, Boris Augurzky ISBN 3-936454-68-X
2007 Nursing Home Rating Report 2007 - Growth and Restructuring Sebastian Krolop, Boris Augurzky ISBN 978-3-86788-029-9
2009 Nursing Home Rating Report 2009 - Consolidation Ahead! Sebastian Krolop, Boris Augurzky ISBN 978-3-86788-132-6
2011 Nursing Home Rating Report 2011 - Boom without a workforce Sebastian Krolop, Boris Augurzky ISBN 978-3-86788-308-5
2013 Nursing Home Rating Report 2013 - Boom without a workforce Sebastian Krolop, Boris Augurzky ISBN 978-3-86630-300-3
2015 Nursing Home Rating Report 2015 Sebastian Krolop, Boris Augurzky ISBN 978-3-86630-448-2

Web links

Hospital Rating Reports:

Nursing Home Rating Reports:

Rehabilitation Rating Reports:

Individual evidence

  1. Sebastian Krolop, Christoph M. Schmidt, Boris Augurzky: Insolvency Risks of Hospitals Evaluation and Transparency under Basel II: An Analysis of Current and Future Ratings of German Hospitals and Options for Action to Improve them. 2004, ISBN 978-3-936454-36-9
  2. ^ Nursing Insurance, Ratings and Demography: Challenges for German Nursing Homes. June 2006, ISBN 978-3-936454-69-7