Foster children campaign Switzerland

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The Foster Children Action Switzerland is a non-profit, politically independent association whose aim is to improve the living conditions of foster children in Switzerland and to arouse public interest for them.


At the end of 1946, the magazine Der Schweizerische Beobachter drew attention to the grievances in contracting and foster care. The Zurich police officer Josef Hilpertshausen founded the Zurich foster children campaign with 25 members , and the Swiss foster children campaign a little later. The main concerns were: Help for foster children and protection from the arbitrariness of authorities and providers. Sections emerged in several cantons that later became regional associations. Since 1991 it has been called Foster Children Action Switzerland.

In 2016, the Swiss Foster Children Campaign joined forces with the Swiss Agency for Adoption to create PACH, Foster and Adopted Children Switzerland. In the meantime, the regional associations are no longer sections, but completely independent and independent of the PACH. Some of them have also changed their names.


The association supports the concerns of around 13,000 foster children in Switzerland with information, further training, public relations and political lobbying. It runs a specialist unit in Zurich, publishes the trade journal Netz , offers eduQua -certified courses for foster parents and specialists in the foster child sector, conducts specialist conferences and participates in research work and projects.

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