Cystosarcoma phylloides

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Classification according to ICD-10
D48.6 Cystosarcoma phylloides of the mammary gland (mamma)
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)
Cystosarcoma phylloides on mammography

The cystosarcoma phylloides (syn. Phylloid tumor ), also called cystosarcoma (of the breast) , is a rare tumor on the breast ( breast ) of adult women. It accounts for around 1% of all breast tumors.

The tumor appears as a finger-like or club-like growth of the connective tissue and the mammary gland. It is regarded as a special form of fibroadenoma (benign tumors of the female breast). Phyllodes tumors, however, are often larger than these and grow with finger-like extensions into the surrounding breast tissue. The tumor grows (usually quickly) in episodes and can lead to significant breast deformation and also affect the entire breast.

Phylloid tumors can be or become benign, borderline or malignant. A phyllodes tumor is benign in about 85% of cases, but it is difficult to predict. Phylloid tumors that originally appear benign also rarely metastasize .


The nodes of the tumor are usually easy to feel. The surface is very irregular. The tumor can escape through the skin "like a cauliflower". Because the tumor grows very quickly, it can lead to significant breast enlargement.


Mammography and sonography are not sufficient to distinguish it from fibroadenoma . Only other imaging methods such as MRI and a tissue sample ( biopsy ) enable a reliable diagnosis. The classification of malignancy is based on the percentage of degenerate cells.


Benign forms are surgically removed (peeled off).

With malignant and borderline forms or with large finger-like extensions of the tumor, the neighboring healthy tissue must also be removed, depending on the size, the entire breast. If the armpit lymph nodes are palpable , these must also be removed. Post- irradiation may be required.


  • Lois Jovanovic, Genell J. Subak-Sharpe: Hormones. The medical manual for women. (Original edition: Hormones. The Woman's Answerbook. Atheneum, New York 1987) From the American by Margaret Auer, Kabel, Hamburg 1989, ISBN 3-8225-0100-X , pp. 242 and 388.

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