Physical awards

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Physical markups determine the appearance of the characters in HTML and look similar to every user. Nothing is given here about the meaning of the characters. They have the disadvantage that - in contrast to logical or semantic markings - they are inflexible and the viewer has little influence on the appearance.

If z. For example, if a text is to be marked as quoted, it is possible to mark it in italics . You can immediately recognize italic texts as quotations . But it can also be that in other regions of the world quotations are only recognized underlined. In many cases, however, it does not matter whether you use logical markings or physical markings.

In HTML5 , semantic markup was completely used. Elements that previously had a purely typographical effect are now also given a content interpretation, or they have been removed from the standard and are no longer to be used in reprogramming software. This means that in future there will no longer be any physical markings in an HTML document, but rather this will only be regulated using cascading style sheets .

See also

Web links