Phytotherapy Prize

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The Phytotherapy Prize of the Society for Phytotherapy eV is awarded annually alternately as a prize for the promotion of young scientists and an innovation prize of the Society for Phytotherapy:

  • The Prize of the Society for Phytotherapy for the Promotion of Young Scientists (called the Society for Phytotherapy for short) is awarded for theses that are related to phytotherapy. Its purpose is to draw the public's attention to promising young scientists doing research in the field of phytotherapy . The prize money is 2000 euros . The prize is awarded in odd-numbered years.
  • The Innovation Prize of the Society for Phytotherapy honors practice-oriented innovations that promote the importance of phytotherapy for patients, doctors and pharmacists. It is awarded in even-numbered years, with the prize money being 10,000 euros .

The price follows u. a. of the Rudolf Fritz Weiss Prize of the Society for Phytotherapy, the award of which has been discontinued. The prizes are usually presented at a meeting of the Society for Phytotherapy .

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