Pinch analysis

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Pinch analysis , also called Linnhoff analysis, describes an approach for the systematic optimization of the energy consumption of processes. The pinch analysis is a method for minimizing the energy consumption of process engineering processes in which thermodynamically minimal energy consumption is calculated. The method also indicates how this can be achieved by coordinating heat exchanger networks for heat recovery , energy supply and process conditions. Pinch analysis is also known as process integration, heat integration, energy integration, or pinch technology.

A process is represented as energy flows or streams in the coordinates of heat output (kW) and temperature (° C). The data of the individual streams are summarized for all streams. This results in so-called “ composite curves ”, one for all warm streams ( hot streams that give off heat ) and one for all cold streams ( cold streams that require heat).

The point at which the curves come closest to each other is the so-called pinch temperature. At this point, most of the design constraints exist. By finding this point and starting to develop the heat transfer network around this point, the energy goals, through heat transfer between hot and cold streams, can be achieved. In practical work, one often finds heat exchangers that work across the pinch, i.e. that connect currents with a temperature above and below the pinch. By avoiding combinations of these currents with alternative current pairings, one improves the achievement of the energy goals.


It is helpful to use computer programs to carry out a pinch analysis. There are some software programs that can be used to perform pinch analysis. The scope of the programs differs in functionality and ranges from simply finding the minimum energy target (targeting) to the automated creation of a heat exchanger network.

Free software

  • Spreadsheets with macros
  • Einstein Energy
  • Pinchleni

Commercial programs

  • Super target
  • PinCH
  • Aspen Plus

Web links

  • Pinchleni Freeware developed by Laboratoire d'Energétique Industrielle de l'Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland: Pinchleni (English German Spanish)


  • V. Agrawal, UV Shenoy: Unified Conceptual Approach to Targeting and Design of Water and Hydrogen Networks. In: AIChE J. 52 (3), 2006, pp. 1071-1082.
  • M. Ebrahim: Pinch technology: an efficient tool for chemical-plant energy and capital-cost saving. In: Applied Energy . 65, 2000, pp. 45-40. doi: 10.1016 / S0306-2619 (99) 00057-4 .
  • MM El-Halwagi, V. Manousiouthakis: Synthesis of Mass Exchange Networks. In: AIChE J. 35 (8), 1989, pp. 1233-1244.
  • N. Hallale: A New Graphical Targeting Method for Water Minimization. In: Advances in Environmental Research. 6 (3), 2002, pp. 377-390.
  • N. Hallale, I. Moore, D. Vauk: Hydrogen optimization at minimal investment. In: Petroleum Technology Quarterly. (PTQ), Spring 2003.
  • IC Kemp: Pinch Analysis and Process Integration: A User Guide on Process Integration for the Efficient Use of Energy. 2nd Edition. Includes spreadsheet software. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006, ISBN 0-7506-8260-4 . (1st edition: Linnhoff et al., 1982).
  • J. Klemes, R. Smith, J.-K. Kim: Handbook of Water and Energy Management in Food Processing. 1st edition. Woodhead Publishing, 2008, ISBN 978-1-84569-195-0 .
  • B. Linnhoff, S. Ahmad: SUPERTARGETING: Optimum Synthesis of Energy Management Systems. In: J. Ener. Res. Tech. v 111, 1989, p. 121.
  • B. Linnhoff, JR Flower: Synthesis of Heat Exchanger Networks: I. Systematic Generation of Energy Optimal Networks. In: AIChE J. 24. 1978, p. 633.
  • B. Linnhoff, DW Towsend, D. Boland, GF Hewitt, BEA Thomas, AR Guy, RH Marsland: A User Guide on Process Integration for the Efficient Use of Energy. The Institution of Chemical Engineers, Rugby 1982.
  • B. Linnhoff: Pinch Analysis. In: Chem. Eng. Prog. August 1994, p. 33.
  • R. Prakash, UV Shenoy: Targeting and Design of Water Networks for Fixed Flowrate and Fixed Contaminant Load Operations. In: Chemical Engineering Science. 60 (1), 2005, pp. 255-268.
  • UV Shenoy: Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis: Process Optimization by Energy and Resource Analysis. Includes two computer disks. Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, TX, USA 1995, ISBN 0-88415-391-6 .
  • YP Wang, R. Smith: Wastewater Minimization. In: Chemical Engineering Science. 49, 1994, pp. 981-1006.