Pippin Wigglesworth

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Pippin Wigglesworth (* 1983 in Zurich ) is a Swiss author of British descent.

Wigglesworth attended a Montessori elementary school, then the Freie Gymnasium Zürich . He then began studying economics at the University of Zurich , which he dropped out, however. He has been running a blog since 2005 . He is the author of the book Viertel nach Wrist ( quarter to wrist) published in 2008 (published by Hungerkünstler Verlag , ISBN 978-3-033-01439-8 ) which he wrote during his stay in a rehab clinic from blog messages from his blog of the same name. The first edition (2,000 copies) is sold out.

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.vice.com/de/read/der-implizite-autor
  2. http://hungerkuenstler.ch/page/autoren/13/
  3. Alexandra Stäheli: Jeunesse ratée on the Gold Coast. In: nzz.ch. July 16, 2008, accessed October 14, 2018 .
  4. Franziska Felber: Airen or Goetz are the exceptions. In: welt.de . March 31, 2010, accessed October 7, 2018 .

Web links