Johannes Lindner

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Johannes Lindner , also known as "Pirnscher Mönch" or "Pirnaischer Mönch" (* around 1450 in Münchberg ; † around 1530), was a Dominican and chronicler .

Lindner studied at the University of Leipzig from 1470 , acquired the Baccalaureat here in 1471 and received his master's degree in 1473 . He entered the convent of the Dominicans of Pirna one. Apart from the fact that he was considered a staunch opponent of the Reformation, little is known of him. In 1497 he became reading master at the convent in Pirna and in 1504 he was bequeathed a few books in his will by his friend, the theology professor Andreas Frisner. In Pirna, Lindner wrote in German from several chronicles a geographical-historical compilation, Onomasticum mundi generale , arranged in alphabetical order , with many informative references to the onomastics ( onomastics ) of the time and environment. This font, completed in 1530 and dedicated to the Saxon Duke Georg the Bearded , has only been partially preserved.


  • KE Hermann Müller: The Onomasticum mundi generale of the Dominican monk Johannes Lindner to Pirna and its sources. A contribution to the historiography of the Reformation age, in: New Archive for Saxon History (NASG) 24. 1903, pp. 217–247. ( Online at SLUB Dresden )