Platon (heavy vehicle tax)

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Platon (abbreviation from ru .: " плата за тонны ", plata sa tonny , "payment per ton") is the name of a heavy vehicle tax (toll) introduced in Russia in 2015. It applies to trucks with a permitted weight of over 12 tons. The reason given for the introduction of Platon on November 15, 2015 was that the heavy machines cause damage to public roads - according to the operators of Platon 56% of the surface damage - which has to be compensated.

The operator of the Platon system is RT-Invest transportnye sistemy . It is 50% owned by Igor Arkadjewitsch Rotenberg , the son of Arkadi Romanowitsch Rotenberg , and 50% owned by RT-Invest , which in turn is 25% owned by the Rostech state company . The company RT-Invest transportnye sistemy receives as operator of the system by the state 10.6 billion rubles annually. According to state forecasts, once the system is put into operation, state revenues will be from 20 to 40 billion rubles annually.

Investment and Profitability

More than 29 billion rubles were invested in the creation and commissioning of the Platon system, 2 billion of which fell on the shareholders of the operating company, 27 billion came from a loan from Gazprombank . According to an article in the state-run Rossiyskaya Gazeta , the profit from the Plato system for the state, i.e. the money that can actually be used for road maintenance, will be extremely small, and it will only amount to about 5% of the annual income there With 51% most of the income is needed for the "current expenditure" for the system, 8% for the renewal of the technical facilities within 12 years, and 35% for the repayment of the loans.


For the period from the introduction of the Plato system to February 29, 2016, a tariff of 1.53 rubles per kilometer driven was charged; from March 1, 2016 to December 31, 2018 the tariff will be 3.06 rubles, after which a tariff of 3.73 rubles per kilometer will apply. However, after massive protests by truck drivers, it was decided on March 23, 2017 that the tariff should be increased less sharply, so from April 15, 2017 it will be 1.90 rubles.

Criticism and protests

From the beginning there was strong criticism of the Plato system. The journalist Sergej Parchomenko said that Plato did not produce any benefit for the state, but the greatest benefit for the operators, namely the Rotenberg family. It is an example of tailor-made, personal legislation, which only serves the rapid and guaranteed enrichment of the Rotenberg family. From November 2015 the truck drivers began to take an organized defense against the introduction of the system. From November 11, driver protests began in 40 regions of the Russian Federation. Hundreds of truck drivers went on strike and parked their trucks on the roadside, causing traffic jams for miles. The largest actions took place in Moscow, Volgograd, Saratov and the Republic of Dagestan. A new wave of protests was triggered by the doubling of the tariff in March 2017. The actions started on March 27, 2017. In Dagestan in particular, the protest was supported by up to 97% of the drivers; over 2000 machines took part in the campaign. A rally in Manas, in the Karabudchkent district south of Makhachkala , was attended by 500 to 600 people. The Dagestani drivers suffer particularly from the new system, as they are mostly self-employed. According to one participant in the protest, Magomedgadschi Magomedov, the income from a trip from Dagestan to Moscow and back is about 20,000 rubles; at a distance of 3600 kilometers and the new tariff of 3.06 rubles, half of his income is lost.

At the beginning of December 2017, the Russian Ministry of Justice announced that it had classified the truck driver association OPR (Объединение Перевозчиков России), which was founded in the course of the protests, as a foreign agent after an audit . According to its own statements, the association received a donation of around 250,000 rubles (around 3500 euros) from a private person in Germany.

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