Police (Finland)

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The Finnish police force (Finnish. Poliisi , Swedish. Polisen ) is organized in three levels . In addition to the police department in the Ministry of Interior (finn. Keskusrikospoliisi (KRP), Swed. Central Criminal Polisen (CKP), literally "Central Criminal") there is the police headquarters in Helsinki and the provincial police command. The lowest level is the local police in the administrative districts. There are 280 police stations throughout the country, plus over 50 stations mixed with other authorities (customs, border guards ). There are around 7,600 police officers. The budget in 2007 was around EUR 632 million.

According to crime statistics, Finland is one of the safest countries in Europe.

For the State Protection is Finnish Security Intelligence Service (Swed. Skyddspolisen ) responsible. The Åland Autonomous Islands have an independent police organization.

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